This Agreement is entered into by and between Lumiere Properties, LLC, doing business as Lumiere

Studio, (“Owner”) and (“Licensee”).

WHEREAS, Owner is a photography studio located at 811 S 48th Street, Omaha, NE 68106 (”Premises”) and WHEREAS, Licensee (as named on completed booking form) desires ono-exclusive limited access and use of the aforementioned Premises. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained in this agreement and other good and valuable consideration, the Parties freely and fully accept the provisions, terms and conditions hereof and do hereby agree to be bound by the following:

Length of Use. Licensee’s time begins promptly at the designated Start Time and ends promptly at the designated Ending Time. Time includes set up and break-down. Early or extended hours must be approved and paid for in advance before the license period begins.  Owner will allow a 15 minute grace period at the end of Licensee’s time for resetting the studio.

Terms of Use. Use of Premises and the equipment is at the Licensee’s own risk.  Licensee agrees to be solely responsible for the conduct and welfare of all persons accompanying the Licensee while on the Premises.

Licensee and any of Licensee’s guests waives any and all rights to seek legal redress for mishaps, accidents and/or loss while on the Premises.

Licensee assumes full responsibility for any personal injury while on the Premises and agrees to indemnify and hold the Owner harmless against all claims, causes of action, damages, judgments, costs or expenses which may in any way arise from use of the Premises.

Licensee agrees to leave the Premises and adjacent grounds in the same condition as they were when Licensee arrived.

Licensee is responsible for, and shall pay, the cost of any and all damage to the Premises, including all equipment on the Premises Licensee is permitted to use, occurring while Licensee is using the Premises and equipment.

All items brought to the Premises by Licensee or Licensee’s guests are to be removed by Licensee. Owner is NOT responsible for any items left on Premises by Licensee.

Premises are monitored 24/7 via surveillance camera and Licensee acknowledges that it is aware and agrees that Licensee’s activity, and that of Licensee’s guests will be recorded by these security cameras. In addition, Owner agrees not to sell, distribute or share recordings by security cameras with any person or entity other than law enforcement should a request be made therefor.

Non-Assignable. Licensee’s license to use the Studio pursuant to this agreement is non-assignable.

Binding Effect. Each and every provision hereof shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the heirs, assigns, personal representatives, and all successors in the interest of the parties.

Modification. This Agreement may be modified, superseded, or voided only upon the written agreement of the Parties. Further, the physical destruction or loss of this Agreement shall not be construed as modification.

Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction deems any provision of this Agreement invalid or unenforceable, then such provision shall be severed from this Agreement, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall continue with full force and effect.

Governing Law. The terms of this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Nebraska.

Acknowledgment. Parties acknowledge that they have had adequate opportunity to review this document, to consult with legal counsel individually, without any form of coercion, duress or pressure. Parties acknowledge that they have carefully read and given careful thought to the making of this Agreement and fully understand the provisions of this Agreement concerning its nature, subject matter and legal effect.

All ages are allowed in the space but Licensee take on full responsibility on verifying the actual age of individuals who Licensee are photographing or filming and complying with Nebraska Laws. Minors 16 years and under are to be accompanied by adult.  Owner is not liable for any age verification.

Credit Card Holds (Guarantee). Upon booking the studio, you authorize Owner to place a hold on your credit card as a guarantee for any damages incurred during Licensee’s license period. Overtime (past Licensee’s time and 15 minute grace period) will be billed at 1.5x the hourly fee.

Studio Rules

No smoking, vaping, drugs or alcohol on premises

Do not prop doors open.

NOT ALLOWED: glitter, confetti, paint, powders, wax, oils, candles/flames, fireworks, generators, space heaters, hazardous materials.

Fog Machine (Owner approval required, prior to booking)

Vehicles are permitted (only to be photographed) on the CYC FLOOR only, do not drive any part of the CYC wall curves. No oversized vehicles. Garage clearance is 9'6"  (Owner approval required, prior to booking)

No pornography (boudoir shoots are permitted, please make your subjects aware that security cameras are active inside the building)

Pets are permitted. (Owner approval required, prior to booking)

Sofas, chairs, tables can be moved as needed with the use of furniture dollies.  DO NOT SLIDE FURNITURE ON FLOORS.


Wall decor may not be removed. Do not tape or attach anything to walls without prior permission.

Do not stand on the curved part of the cyc wall as this will damage the structure.

Do not stand or sit on windowsills.

Please keep music playback / sound to a reasonable level.

Parking stalls are on the north side of the building near the giant yellow globe. Licensee can use the loading zone in front of the garage as needed. Should Licensee require additional parking, Licensee will need to search along Marcy or 48th Streets, please adhere to city street signs. Do not park in other businesses' lots. Lumeire Studio is not liable for parking violations.

Food and drink should be kept in the kitchen area only. Please do not eat or drink on the sofa or accent chairs.

Do not leave the garage overhead door open for anything other than loading/unloading.

Distro Power / Cam lock if you do not know how to use it, please ask.

Cleanup studio at end of session, reset all furniture and equipment. Leave space as you found it.

Cancellation & Reschedule Policy

You may cancel 24hrs or less after booking for a full refund (minus the credit card processing fee of 3.5%).

If you cancel and your Start Time is 24hrs or less, no refunds will be given.

If you need to reschedule your booking and your start time is 24hrs or less, Owner will keep a $50 reschedule fee from the fees paid at the time of booking. The remaining fees can be applied towards a future booking.

If you need to reschedule your booking and your Start Time is more than 24hrs, any fees paid can be applied towards a future booking.

All reschedule bookings are subject to Owner availability.

Owner may occasionally have larger commercial production shoots and reserves the right to a 72 HR notice to reschedule any booking. A full refund will be given + your rescheduled booking will be at no charge.